Technology in Learning

At Wayi School all students have access to an iPad to enhance learning opportunities. We utilise the program Seesaw as an interactive learning tool to engage students with teaching and learning activities. Parents have access to Seesaw to clearly understand what their child is learning throughout the week. 

Our VPC students have access to laptops to support their career readiness skills. For example, students use the laptops to research interests, write a resume or prepare for travel training. 

Each learning neighbourhood and the library have interactive projectors as another tool for students to participate in their learning. 

Our manufacturing space, in the Baan Learning Neighbourhood and art room in the Wurru Wurru Learning Neighbourhood include many hands-on learning opportunities for all students, including a kiln and laser cutter.

All students complete the student agreement to document they understand the student declaration. This agreement and declaration are differentiated based on the student’s needs and abilities.

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