Students in Years 7 to 12 participate in planned career education activities. The Department of Education and Training provides a number of career education initiatives that schools can access, including:
- My Career Exploration, a series of workshops in career self-exploration for students in Years 7 and 8
- My Career Insights for all Year 9 students, which provides free access to a career diagnostic tool, followed by a one-on-one career counselling session by an external qualified and accredited careers practitioner
- My Career Portfolio an online careers e-portfolio for all students, which allows students to create an online career action plan and keep all of their career planning documents in one place
From year 7 to 12, students will complete a Career Action Plan that will be posted to Seesaw when completed. The Career Action Plan outlines students interests, future aspirations and goals.
Wayi School we follow up with all students who leave school early (without completing Year 12) within 6 months of them leaving school. If the student is not in education, training or employment, we support students through referring them to an appropriate agency.

Transitioning to Post School Options
Wayi School is committed to supporting all students’ readiness for life after school through conducting Student Support Groups and adjustments in Individual Education Plans, reviewing students’ career aspirations and post-school plans, and facilitating transition supports.