Allied Health and Community-based services
Wayi School is committed to the development of the whole student and value the opportunity to connect with any Allied Health professionals and/or other community service agencies involved with your child. Families accessing these supports are encouraged to communicate with the Student Engagement and Wellbeing Leader, Kye Kelly, in order for positive joint relationships to be established, thereby enabling consistent and effective strategies to be implemented.
Where necessary, Wayi School can accommodate allied health professionals to attend for an observation session of the student within the learning space, to provide teachers with direct feedback and insights. Please note, we are unable to facilitate individual therapeutic sessions onsite.
mental-health-schools-wellbeing-support-school-holidays-parents-carers.pdf (
translated versions available via this link:
Kids helpline is a free private helpline aimed at assisting Australians from 5 to 25 years old with their mental health and wellbeing. They provide assistance through phone, email or online counselling. They are a 24/7 service.
Phone: 1800 55 1800
Youth Beyond Blue provides a 24/7 phone counselling service and an online chat option for youth to discuss their mental health and concerns.
Phone: 1300 22 4636
Headspace supports young people 12 – 25, with mental health, physical health, drug and alcohol support, and educational and vocational support. They offer assistance through telehealth or through an online forum.
Support services, guidance and materials to make sure students are healthy and safe at your school.
This service is a nationwide service that provides professional 24/7 telephone and online counselling to people who are affected by suicide.
Call: 1300 659 467
Information and resources for parents and carers to help their children unlock their potential for a new year of learning in 2025.
A non-for-profit web and app-based meditation program developed by psychologists and educators to help bring mindfulness into your life. The Phone app for Smiling Mind is Free, and they have a COVID 19 Support page.
Raising Children website provides a range of information to parents to assist with the raising of children. Please see the link below for health tips and guidance for parents during the Coronavirus pandemic.
The Victorian Government has partnered with headspace, the National Youth Mental Health Foundation to develop SAFEMinds: Schools And Families Enhancing Minds, a comprehensive learning and resource package that will enhance the capacity of school communities to effectively identify children and young people with early signs of mental health issues, offer school-based interventions and refer appropriately when needed.
Information available for schools and for families.
An On-line cognitive behavior therapy program for anxious children and adolescents and their parents (13 week program).
- A cognitive behavior therapy website teaches people to use ways of thinking which help prevent depression.