Seesaw Interactive Learning Platform
Seesaw is an online student engagement platform that creates an online journal of student learning.
At Wayi, the primary purpose of Seesaw is for continuous reporting. Continuous reporting (also known as progressive/ongoing feedback) is the continuous sharing of assessment information with parents and carers throughout the year. Wayi School has adopted Continuous reporting instead of the traditional semester reporting. The main benefit of this model is that students and parents receive feedback in a ‘timely’ manner about how the child is progressing. End-of-semester reports are often seen as too little, too late, with insufficient targeted feedback and time for the student to improve their learning.
Throughout the term, teachers and students will post photos, videos and activities as evidence of students working towards and achieving the IEP goals. This provides a wonderful opportunity for students to show their learning with their families.
Contact the classroom teacher if you need to be connected to Seesaw.