Camps, Sports & Excursion Fund
Since 2020, the Victorian Government has invested in funding for the for Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund. This funding helps ensure more than 220,000 government and non-government students from lower-income families can participate in camps, sports and excursions each year. Families at Wayi may be eligible to receive this funding. For more information and eligibility criteria please see or contact the school for more information.
Uniform Assistance
We can assist families experiencing financial hardship to access financial support for school uniforms through State School’s Relief.
The State School’s Relief program provides support with uniforms and other essential school items for families that need an extra helping hand and ensures that all students, regardless of their circumstances, can attend school feeling valued and included.
If you are experiencing financial hardship and would like to apply for State School’s Relief support please contact the school via email at or call 03 7300 6600 for a confidential discussion with a member of our leadership team.
School Savings Bonus
As part of the Victorian Budget for 2024/25, the Victorian Government is providing families with one-off support, including $400 for each eligible student to help families cover school uniforms and activities costs in 2025.
This will be available to parents and carers of every child enrolled in a Victorian government school in 2025.
Families will receive the bonus as credits on their school accounts that will help meet the costs of activities and uniforms.
The Schools Saving Bonus support will be in addition to existing and continuing means-tested supports for camps, sports, excursions and uniforms. The application-based Affordable School Uniform program through State Schools’ Relief, will continue to be available to families experiencing financial hardship or applications for support on parents’ behalf throughout the year if needed.
There will be more information and guidance about the School Saving Bonus in term 3, 2024, ahead of its implementation in 2025.