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There will be no school for Wayi Students this Friday the 7th of March & Next Monday the 10th of March.
The Department and School Council has approved a Curriculum Day for this Friday, March 7th. This will be a Student Free Day for Wayi students.
Wayi School will be closed next Monday, March 10th, for the Labour Day Public Holiday.
Thanks to the families who responded with feedback about our first classroom information session. The term two classroom information session for parents will be held on Wednesday April 30th starting at 4.00pm and finishing at 4.30pm. For families who may be unable to attend, the option to connect online will also be available.
For Term 1 2025, we are learning feelings!
Performance: With clawed fingers facing stomach, turn hand so that palm faces up. May be signed with both hands to express great anger
In Term 1, our focus is on phonics. Students have participated in sensory and hands-on activities to explore phonics. They have learned about letters and their corresponding sounds.
In Room 4, this term our focus is on reading and viewing, emphasizing Phonics and word knowledge. Students have been engaging in activities, that include identifying the beginning sound of their name, matching a sound to an image, and matching a letter to a sound. As we are learning through the term, it is great to see room 4 students responding well to class routines and structure, including the transition to outside play, welcome circle routine, and of course the end-of-day routine. Keep up the great work Room 4. Â