We are able to re-open to expression of interest for students to engage in the RDA Oaklands – equine program. Currently, we have 1 space left for a Wayi School student to access this program. We do expect to offer this opportunity each year and hope that all students who wish to participate will get the opportunity to attend at least once during their time at Wayi. Depending on the number of interested families, there may be a need to develop a preference criterion.
Parents/Carers/Guardians will be required to provide transport to and from RDA Oaklands and remain with their child for the hour-long session. Parents will also be expected to pay the weekly $25 fee. The sessions will run weekly throughout the year (not during school holiday periods).
Session details
Day: Monday (Weekly)
Time: 11am – 12pm
Location: 60 St John’s Road, Oaklands Junctions, VIC, 3063
Cost: $25 per session
Family Testimonial:
‘When Fallann started at Rda she was very shy and nervous around new people, lacked confidence and very scared of all animals but since day one she has become more confident and very social. She loves riding and really looks forward to every Monday. It has improved her balance and helped with her anxiety. Best thing ever.’
The opportunity is open students to who weigh under 80kg. For more information about RDA, click on the following link RDAV.
Please use the form below to register your interest.