Wayi School is hosting an easter raffle!
The Fundraising committee is creating Easter Hampers from your amazing donations to raffle off.
Raffle tickets were sent home with students last week and are due back by Friday, March 22nd. Please ensure your student’s name and room number are filled out on the tickets, if your selling tickets to family or friends, you can add their names as well.
If your student was not sent home with a set of raffle tickets, please message their Classroom Teacher via SeeSaw Messages.
Tickets are priced at $2 each or 3 for $5, with all proceeds going towards our Library Resource Centre.
The raffle draw will take place on Tuesday, March 26th.
*Please note that bank transfer payments are not accepted for the raffle. Kindly return all tickets with the correct cash amount enclosed in your student’s bag or to the Admin Office.*
If your child is absent, it is essential you notify the office with the reason. This can be done by calling the office, messaging the teacher on seesaw, or though Compass.
In term 2, parents will be notified with a text message when a student is absent and the reason hasn’t been communicated.
We are excited to offer the opportunity for a small group of students to engage in the RDA Oaklands – equine program. This year we have been allocated 3 spaces for Wayi School students to access this program. We expect to offer this opportunity each year and hope that all students who wish to participate will get the opportunity to attend at least once during their time at Wayi. Depending on the number of interested families, there may be a need to develop a preference criterion.
Parents/Carers/Guardians will be required to provide transport to and from RDA Oaklands and remain with their child for the hour-long session. Parents will also be expected to pay the weekly $25 fee. The sessions will run weekly throughout the year (not during school holiday periods).
Session details
Day: Monday (Weekly)
Time: 11am – 12pm
Location: 60 St John’s Road, Oaklands Junctions, VIC, 3063
Cost: $25 per session
The opportunity is open students to who weigh under 80kg. For more information about RDA, click on the following link RDAV. Please use the form below to register your interest.
Expression of Interest