For Term 1 2024 we are focusing on learning signs relating to feelings!

Performance: With little finger extended and pointing upwards at chest, move hand downwards.
At Wayi School, we recognise the diverse needs of our students and are committed to creating an inclusive and supportive learning environment. We understand that some students may benefit from the use of fidget tools in their hands as a sensory emotional regulation tool, as well as an aid to support their attention and concentration.
Examples of durable fidget tools utilised at Wayi School may include: pop-it balls and mats, pop tubes, tactile cushions, infinity cubes, liquid timers and marble tubes etc. These tools are brought out during learning time and are stored away in locked cupboards when not in use. When fidget tools are utilised in a learning environment, active supervision and modelling of the appropriate usage of fidget tools are provided by staff.
At Wayi School, there is also a referral process for classroom teams to discuss with school therapists around appropriate fidget tools for the individual student. Parents and carers are also encouraged to discuss with their child’s external occupational therapist regarding the need and type of fidget tools required to support their regulation and learning at school. During termly Student Support Group meetings, parents and carers are also encouraged to discuss this need with the classroom teacher.

The transition from school to the community at the end of year 12 is an important event to prepare for. At Wayi School, we are here to support you through this journey.
There are many services that provide a range of opportunities to meet the needs of your young person, including adult day services, Tafe and supported employment networks. You may have begun thinking about or exploring these opportunities already.
To learn more about these, we encourage you to visit the Post School Options Expo on Tuesday the 19th of March at the Meadows Conference and Events Centre in Broadmeadows. There will be a range of services in attendance for you to explore and learn more about what they can provide your young person. Please see the flyer attached for more information.
Post School Options Expo