The Wayi School Mother’s and Special Others Day Stall will be running this week between Wednesday May 8th and Friday May 10th.
All students will have the opportunity to visit the stall with their class. Students wishing to make a purchase from the stall will need to bring money in an envelope, clearly marked with their child’s name on the front and who they are buying for. This will help us ensure that all purchases are accounted for and sent home correctly.
Prices will range between $2 – $10. Your student’s classroom teacher will notify you via Compass of the day/s their classes will be visiting the stall.
Wayi School is hosting a Mothers and Special Others Day Raffle!
Raffle tickets were sent home with students last Friday and should be returned by Friday, May 10th. (Please note that the raffle tickets sheets are wrongly dated with the month of March instead of May)
Please ensure your student’s name and room number are filled out on the tickets, if your selling tickets to family or friends, you can add their names as well. Tickets are priced at $2 each or 3 for $5, with all proceeds going towards our Library Resource Centre and Engagement Resource Library. The raffle draw will take place on Monday, May 13th.
*Bank transfer payments are NOT accepted for the raffle. Kindly return all tickets with the correct cash amount enclosed in your student’s bag or to the Admin Office.*
A Student Support Group (SSG) is a partnership between the school, parents/guardians, and student. The group works together to plan and support the student’s educational, health, social, cultural and emotional well-being. SSG meetings are held termly in week 5 and week 6, and allow teachers, parents/carers and the student an opportunity to discuss your child’s Individual Education Plan (IEP). They may occur in person, on the phone or on Microsoft Teams. It will be assumed that the meeting will take place in person, please notify the classroom teacher if you would like the SSG meeting to occur over the phone or via Microsoft Teams.
Bookings will be available on Compass from 6/5/24. Please log in to Compass and choose a time slot to book a meeting time with the teacher. Please contact the school if you have any issues logging into Compass or booking a time for the SSG.
Parent parking is available on Aitkin Boulevard, please enter the school via the Darrang Building (administration building).
Kind regards,
Caitlin Hull, Learning Specialist.