Ruqayyah – Room 2
Anthony – Room 4
Finau – Room 6
Mansirat – -Room 13
Harjas – Room 13
Aadi – Room 20
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Ruqayyah – Room 2
Anthony – Room 4
Finau – Room 6
Mansirat – -Room 13
Harjas – Room 13
Aadi – Room 20
A Student Support Group (SSG) is a partnership between the school, parents/guardians, and student. The group works together to plan and support the student’s educational, health, social, cultural and emotional well-being. SSG meetings are held termly when teachers, parents/carers and the student can develop an Individual Education Plan (IEP) and are held in week 5 of each term. They may occur in person, on the phone or on Microsoft Teams. It will be assumed that the meeting will take place in person, please notify the classroom teacher if you would like the SSG meeting to occur over the phone or via Microsoft Teams.
Bookings will be available on Compass from 19/02/24. Please log in to Compass and choose a time slot to book a meeting time with the teacher. Please contact the school if you have any issues logging into Compass or booking a time for the SSG.
Parent parking is available on Aitkin Boulevard, please enter the school via the Darrang (administration building).
Kind regards,
Caitlin Hull, Learning Specialist.
Wayi School is hosting a Bunnings Fundraising BBQ at Bunnings Craigieburn on Sunday the 25th of February 2024.
We are looking for volunteers from the Wayi School community to assist us on the day. If you are able to spare and hour or two on this day, please click on the link below to register.
For Term 1 2024 we are focusing on learning signs relating to feelings!
Performance: With hand flat, fingers pointing upwards, pointer finger directly in front of mouth and nose, thumb tucked in; bring hand downwards in front of face in a small arc.