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Regular and consistent school attendance is essential for our students. Attending each day supports the development of routines and structure, as well as the building of strong relationships.
We recognise when children are unwell, they cannot perform at their best and need to recover at home until well enough to return to the learning environment. If your child is unwell, or unable to attend school for another reason, such as a medical appointment, please ensure you notify Wayi School as soon as possible. Absence notifications can be made to the school in person, via phone or Compass.
Please note, if your child is going to be absent for an extended period (more than 3 consecutive school days), please notify Wayi School Principal, Leanne Sinnadurai; this includes family vacations. The prior notification will allow us to arrange appropriate supports to help maintain your child’s educational needs during their absence.
All Wayi School community members are invited to have a ‘Latte with Leanne’ at Wayi School from 10:00am – 11:00am this Thursday the 17th of October.
Our special guest attendee for October 17th is Grace Dwyer, one of Wayi School’s Learning Specialists. Grace’s roles and responsibilities include building capacity of our staff through observations and feedback and focusing on building the personal and social skills of our students.
If you would like to attend, press the link below to RSVP. RSVP’s will close tomorrow, Tuesday the 15th of October.
If you have RSVPed, but are unable to attend, please notify the school as soon as possible as this will assist us with booking a suitable space and organising sufficient catering.
‘Latte with Leanne’ Community Connections is a casual morning tea, aimed to build and strengthen our connections with our school community – depending on your strengths, availability, and motivation, the morning could involve:
– General conversation with other parents/carers/guardians (for those of you who just want to socialise and get to know other Wayi families)
– Resourcing support (for those of you who like to socialise but keep busy at the same time)
We hope to see you there!
Pease follow the below link for information regarding the one-off School Saving Bonus:
Wayi School Saving Bonus Letter to Families
These forms were sent home at the end of last term with another form containing personal details that may need to be updated. Please ensure this form is returned. If no changes are necessary, simply write ‘no changes necessary’ and pass it on your child’s classroom teacher.
If you require a new form, please contact your child’s classroom teacher via SeeSaw Messages.
For Term 4 2024, we are learning common phrases and words!
Performance: Point up and rotate hand in a horizontal circle.
Compass have released a feature that allows users to translate the home page to over 100 different languages. To translate your Compass home page, follow the steps below.
If you require further support, please contact Wayi School on 7300 6600