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A massive shout out to the families of Wayi students Fallann (Rm 19), Aleyna (Rm 12) and Jim (Rm 11) for generously donating multiple items to Wayi including books, toys, furniture and art supplies for our school.

We thank you all so much for your continued support, your efforts do not go unnoticed.




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To ensure that your student’s belongings are returned to them, we kindly ask you to label all items with their first and last name. While we make every effort to keep items organized and returned to their owners, unlabeled items will be placed in our lost property storage.

We thank you for your cooperation and understanding.


Dear Wayi OSHC Families,

I am writing to communicate some important information about the Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) at Wayi School in 2024 and beyond.

As most of you are aware, our school is now part of the High Intensity OSHC Program, which will provide fully government subsidised care for our students until mid-2027.

The TheirCare team are excited to deliver this program and we are looking forward to building on the successful partnership we have already developed with their team.

Wayi School and TheirCare plan to make the transition to this new phase of program delivery as seamless as possible for you; the official date of transition to the High Intensity OSHC Program is this week (Week 2 of Term 1).

For existing families with bookings in Term 1, these will not change. There may need to be some adjustments to bookings from Term 2; if required, TheirCare will communicate with you further about the priority process. The program will continue to operate Before School Care (BSC) from 7am to 9am and After School Care (ASC) from 3pm to 6pm.

A holiday program will also be included in the High Intensity OSHC program, which will commence during the next school holiday period and will operate from 9am to 5pm.

Angelica Faia has stepped into the Program Manager position at the service with Michelle Lucas taking over the 2IC role. Please reach out to the TheirCare team on 0408 100 551 for any booking/general enquiries you may have.

Kind regards,

Leanne Sinnadurai



This year we are using Seesaw Messages for teachers to communicate with families.  Seesaw Messages has fantastic features including being able to translate. Seesaw Messages will be used for families and teachers to communicate about daily needs of each child within an individual message thread between the teacher/s working within the classroom and family members.

Notifications of whole school events and information will continue to be delivered through our whole school communication systems, including Seesaw Messages and Announcements, Compass, Wayi Word, the Wayi Website and social media.

Please see the attached Family Guide on using Seesaw Messages for more information or contact the school if you would like support accessing this feature.

All previous Seesaw accounts have remained active from last year. Families who already have a Seesaw account linked to their student/s will not need to request a new log in.

Seesaw Messages – Family Guide




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For Term 1 2024 we are focusing on learning signs relating to feelings!



Performance: Tap palms of flat hands together in small circles.

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