Some families have requested ‘Keep Clear’ road markings at our Grand Boulevard school exit; unfortunately, we have received the below feedback from Hume City Council Traffic Department.
We understand it can sometimes be a struggle to exit the school on Grand Boulevard unfortunately Australian Standards state that “keep clear” markings shall not be used to facilitate access to or egress from a driveway, except to allow emergency vehicles access from its depot. It is the responsibility of motorists to drive to the road conditions and to exit the school when it is safe to do so. Thank you for understanding.
Wayi School staff will continue to support families during drop off and pick up times as best we can to make this transition as stress-free as possible.
(2023 Enrolled Students Only)
The Victorian Government has invested $1.5 million from the Recreational Fishing Licence Trust Fund to provide up to 95,000 Little Angler Kits to primary school aged children in Victoria. All students at specialist schools, including ours, have been offered a FREE Little Angler Kit.
Little Angler Kits are the perfect way for children to try fishing. They include a rod, reel with line, tackle box (including hooks) and information on how to use them all.
The roll out of kits has occurred through the second half of 2023 (16 October – 4 December), so that all participating children enrolled at Wayi School in 2023 will have a kit in time for the school holidays.
Parents can advise the school, if they do not want their child(ren) to receive a kit. We support parents in making decisions that align with their family values and beliefs.
Please note that the Little Angler Kits will be distributed on Wednesday 28th February, 2024 and your child will be taking a kit home with them unless you do not wish us to provide your child with a kit.
Happy Fishing everyone!!!